Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps

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Immerse yourself in fast-paced third-person shooting action with Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps key. brought to life by Capcom. The infamous Umbrella Corporation is very well known in the Resident Evil Universe. This is the company responsible for doing genetic experiments that have resulted in the terrible incident in Racoon City. Although it was shut down in 2003, the legacy it left behind is continued by other bio-weaponry companies! With Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps key, It is now your turn to get involved in battles that take place in areas infected by freaky, human deforming viruses. Play online or in a all-new single player campaign as you take part in super high-intensity matches that don’t give you any space or time to hide!

Last updated on 8 marca 2025 10:28 pm


Informacje dodatkowe

Specification: Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps

Wiek graczy (PEGI)
Platforma dystrybucji ?Nazwa platformy elektronicznej dystrybucji, w której można zrealizować klucz do gry.

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